Friday, 9 March 2012

A New Start

This is the start of my honours project -- Multimodal Learning Analytics, under the supervisions from Ronnie Taib (NICTA) and Rafael Calvo (EIE).

My project is to research into ways to estimate human cognitive state and capability, unobtrusively and in real-time. The result can help to optimise the human decision support systems, and adaptive user interface as well. During my honours, I will work with one or more data sets offering a range of features such as speech, task performance or digital pen input. Among them, I want to focus on the digital pen input and task performance. I may also be required to design, implement and carry out a user experiment targeting specific aspects of pen interaction under varying levels of cognitive load.

There are also several research goals:

  • Identify changes in task performance and digital pen input patterns in individual and team behaviour to distinguish different cognitive load levels.
  • Explore most predictive behavioural patterns, within and across modalities, and within and between subjects for cognitive load assessment.
  • Improve the ability to plan and undertake a research project

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